Gaya spa comes with luxury services

Busyness, congestion and noise to surround and trap the daily life in the city were full, plus the pollution levels are already on the verge of harm, causing the body to get tired, bored, stress and other diseases threatening.

Seeing such conditions, "Gaya Spa" is present to provide a solution for you. With a touch of luxurious Gaya Spa provides the best curative treatment for mental and physical fatigue in your daily routines.

Products & Services

· Hair Scalp Treatment

· Facial Treatment

· Body Treatment

· Hand and Food Treatment

· Waxing

Find a different style of care here:

Gaya Spa, Jalan Wolter Monginsidi, South Jakarta 12160
Tel: 726 7648

Post Title : Gaya spa comes with luxury services

Gaya spa comes with luxury services,
